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Important Corona Virus Information Sheet for patients to read prior to receiving dental treatment at the Dentists.

To us you're more than just a patient because we're more than just a dentist. We care.
Not just for your teeth, but for you, and your overall health and wellbeing.

In these difficult times we understand this more than ever. We are here to help you as best we can, and because of this it is now necessary to initiate a much higher protocol of care to ensure not only your safety but ours.

We therefore kindly ask you to carefully read the following procedures and guidelines which will be in place when you come to visit us at our practice so there are no surprises:

    1. Do any of the following points apply to you?
      • A cough
      • A runny nose
      • A high temperature
      • Shortness of breath.
      • Have you been feeling ill?
      • Have you recently travelled overseas?
      • Have you been diagnosed with Coronavirus (Covid-19)?
      • Have you been in contact with someone confirmed to have Coronavirus (Covid-19)

      If you answered yes to any of the above questions it is important you ring us prior to your appointment.

      This does not mean we will not see you. It is so we can best customise an appointment just for you. It will also avoid any embarrassment for us both if we are forced to turn you away at the door. As without the right information from you, we will not have the appropriate protocols in place upon your arrival.

    2. If possible, please ensure you go to the toilet before your arrival. Under the present Coronavirus threat toilet facilities on site will be heavily restricted. A $110 disinfectant fee will need to be charged to cover the sterilisation of the entire toilet area from top to bottom after use.
    3. Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment.
    4. If you arrive early, please wait in your car.
    5. If you have an escort or driver with you, we kindly ask them to wait outside the building or more appropriately in the vehicle.
    6. The Entry door will be locked upon your arrival.
    7. We will be ready for you at your scheduled time and waiting on the other side of the door.
    8. Upon arrival at the door you will be met by the dentist and they will have a protocol to follow.
      • They will first need to confirm your identity before you enter
      • They will then welcome you in and ask you to please hold out your hands to sanitize them with hand sanitizer.
      • They will then pass you a mask and if necessary, they will instruct you how to place this over your mouth and nose appropriately.
      • They will then take your temperature
      • They will ask you to please remove your outdoor footwear at the door
      • You will now be ushered to appropriate seating in the surgery.
      • The dentist will now check your medical history and fill in appropriate medical forms that you will be required to sign.
      • Please feel reassured (unless advised) you will be the only patient in the practice at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to thoroughly read this form, we truly appreciate it. Like many of you, we also have family at home. As we are on the front line each day during this pandemic, we wish to ensure that not only can you feel safe in our environment but that our loved ones can also feel safe when we come home to them each night.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to call and talk to one of our team members at the Dentists as we are here to help.

Tauranga Rotorua Taupo Taradale Whanganui